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Local version


Download the setup file for your operating system. The purchased versions can be downloaded directly from the shop. The free version can be found here:


Start the respective setup file and follow the installation instructions.

When installing the application in Linux through a graphical package manager (e.g. Ubuntu Software Center) the unpacking of the deb package could take some time. The package includes many small files. As an alternative you can install the package through the console.

sudo dpkg --install mms-v0.4.0-linux-amd64.deb

When installing the application in Mac there could be an error message that the application was not downloaded through the app store or is not from developers identified by Apple. Then please go to security preferences in the system settings. There you can allow the installation of the package or set the "Allow applications downloaded from:" to "Anywhere".


For updates of Mongo Management Studio simply perform an installation. Thus, the existing version is replaced with the new version.

Enterprise Version


Download the Zip-file for your operating system. The purchased versions can be downloaded directly from the shop. The free version can be found here:

You'll also need BaboonStack. The latest version is available here:


  • Start the installation of BaboonStack and leave all settings unchanged.
  • Unzip the zip-file from Mongo Management Studio in the desired folder
  • Adjust the settings in the config.js on to your environment
  • Open the command prompt as administrator
  • Run the setup script
node scripts/setup.js
  • Start the application
node server.js
// Pseudo Code
bbs service install [name of service] [Node version] ["path to server.js file"]
// example
// service is mms
// use the node version 0.10.26
// zip-file was unziped in folder c:\mms 
bbs service install mms 0.10.26 "c:\mms\server.js"

Currently launching an application as a service in BaboonStack is only supported for Windows and Linux, but not for Mac OSX. In this case use tools based on node.js, e.g. PM2 or forever.

  • Start the service
// Pseudo Code
bbs service start [name of service]
// example
// service is mms
bbs service start mms
  • Start the application in a browser (Default-URL:
  • Log in as administrator (login: sysadmin password: a)
  • Change the password of the sysadmin

Please change necessarily the password of the sysadmin!


  • Stop the service or the Node.js application (Mac OSX)
// Pseudo Code
bbs service stop [name of service]
// example
// service is mms
bbs service stop mms
  • Secure the config.js file
  • Unzip the Zip-file
  • Copy and overwrite the files in the folder where the application is
  • Compare secured config.js with new config.js and adapt changed settings if necessary
  • Keine Stichwörter