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Mongo shell commands can be executed in console modeThe inputs are directly forwarded to the native mongo shell and are not formatted or modified by the application.

This is a new feature since version 1.2.0! The former console mode (C) is now moved to server side script mode (S).

Here you will find the documentation of the Mongo shell commands: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/crud-introduction/

// Returns all documents
// Returns all cities name and sorted by them
db.zipcode.find({}, {city: 1}).sort({city: 1})
// Create a new zipcode document
db.zipcode.insert({_id: '99999', city: 'LEIPZIG', pop: 520838, state: 'SN'})
// Analyze the find-query
// Show the statistics of the collection

There is no pager in console mode. Therefore, all records are loaded for each query. Because this can be a very large amount of data in certain circumstances, the results are limited to 100 documents. It is recommended to use the skip () and limit () functions.



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