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First connection with Mongo Management Studio

When Mongo Management Studio is started for the first time, the following popup appears after clicking onto "Connect" to enter a new server connection.

The input fields are: 

  • Name: A self-chosen name for the connection
  • Server connection: A valid MongoDB connection string (http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/connection-string/)
  • Login databaseOnly required with activated MongoDB authentication. Determines against which database should be authenticated. Default is „admin“.
  • Destination database: Only required with activated MongoDB authentication. Determines to which database should be connected . With disabled MongoDB authentication, all databases are always displayed. If the destination database is set and there is no login database specified, then the destination database is automatically used as login database.
  • Default connection: Tags this connection as default. On each applications' start it is automatically connected to this connection. Can only be selected for one connection.
  • Color: The color of the server icon, for better differentiating tabs.

After successful entry and corresponding click on the button "Save and connect" the application attempts to connect to the specified server. If this is successful, the connection is automatically saved.

Connect to previously saved configurations

With existing saved connections, a click onto the "Connect" button shows a popup as shown below.

The user is now able to connect to previously saved connections, delete or edit them or create a new connection.

If a new connection shall be created, a form opens after clicking on the corresponding button to fill in the appropriate information.


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