The editing of GridFS documents is a feature of the paid version of Mongo Management Studio.
There are 4 functions available to edit an existing GridFS collection, which are be displayed in the following detail view of a document in the list view:
Deleting the document
Click on the recycle bin icon to delete the GridFS document with the corresponding file from the MongoDB server instance after confirmed security query.
Here, the fields of documents can be edited. It is recommended not to change the existing fields, except filename and contentType. If you want to store additional information in a document, you can store them in the metadata field.
You should never change the _id field, otherwise the reference to the chunks collection is lost and the file can not be loaded.
Upload a file
By clicking on the "Upload file" button, a popup opens. Here you can replace the file stored in the document. Selecting the file again via drag and drop or by using the buttons "select file". As soon as you click on "Save", the current file of the document is replaced with the new one.
Download a file
Click on the download icon and you can download the file, which is stored in the GridFS document.